Gen. Henry Tumukunde                           Amama Mbabazi 

In a TAXI a passenger yelled "Eeh! Gen. Tumukunde has been arrested!" after hearing of the breaking news on his phone radio. Another passenger interrupted "We are tired of bottomless topics!". The point he was trying to make was that they are tired of the comedy that is always fabricated to draw people's attention.

Ideally, he did make a point! If we remember in the 2016 elections, Amama Mbabazi came out of the blue with the 'GO FORWARD PARTY' and overtook all the opposition leaders in terms of media presence. This greatly affected the opposition which I think they realized its effect after the elections.

This is because some opposition leaders lined behind Mbabazi thinking that he will win the elections and hoped for bigger posts in his government. But since the elections Mbabazi has never been seen in any political scene like the rest of the opposition leaders.

Currently out of nowhere came Gen. Henry Tumukunde showed his interest in the presidential seat, but this didn't hit the media as Mbabazi did and that's how the comedy has started. On 11/03/2020 all media houses reported breaking news that Gen. Tumukunde has been arrested.

Any mature Ugandan who has been following the politics of this country would not pay attention to such news because it's crystal clear that it was a political move. Below are wiered facts about the arrest of Gen. Tumukunde;
* The arrest happened close to 9pm prime time and all media houses had to report breaking news
* The arrest happened on a thursday, a day the top political talk shows happen
* Kizza Besigye was to be live on NTV tonight and the arrest would water down his presence on TV
* The General was arrested, but busy updating the public on social media

The political comedy is just starting and wait for more scenes as we head to the 2021 elections.

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